Thursday, July 3, 2014

What is a reader to do?

I've been thinking about books a lot lately. I've always loved reading as much as I could, but since I started this blog books have been on my mind more than normal. I'm connected with a few authors and my favorite publishers on social media and I get emails from a few about new releases. And I just don't know where to go next.

For those of you who don't know me, which is all of you since this is the internet and I'm not a celebrity blogger yet, I'm 28. I'm also an accountant so you'll have to bear with me here on the annoying math bits of this post. So I have 2,148 books right now. I know because I have a spread sheet that keeps track of them all, including books I have, related books that I still need, and (rarely) the disposition of books I've disliked, such as sold to half price books or donated to my local library. I also have a spreadsheet tracking books that I've read so I know where I am in series and don't read a book over unless I want to. This sheet contains metrics such as the number of books I've read so far this year, the total page count, the average time to read a book, and the number I've read since starting the spreadsheet. Did I mention the accountant thing? We're not all this square, I promise. Anyway, I read about 55 books per year right now, a number I can only assume will go down after I have kids. Simple math tells me that I will be done with my collection in just over 39 years.  I will be in my late 60's. Not that old in this day and age, but getting there.

The problem is that doesn't include any new books added to my collection. That number also doesn't count the nice number of ARCs I'm getting to read for this site, including the one I'm currently reading (check out the cool feature on the right of the screen). So do you see my dilemma? How do I pick which books to read and which to let go before I die? I'm constantly bombarded with new stuff I want to read. Orbit's advertising an Orbital Drop on facbook? Great, just what I needed. What's that? Dayton Ward posts to Facebook about a book that looks pretty awesome? Thanks Dayton, like catching up on Vanguard and reading Star Trek: Seekers wasn't enough from you. And of course my own room betrays me. I thought I had mapped out a strategy on what to read next, but sitting here writing this I see the whole Terry Brooks Shannara series looking at me forlornly because I've never read one yet. (You wouldn't believe how accusing a book can look)

So my question to you folks is, what's a reader to do? How do I decide what to read before I leave this mortal coil and my relatives build the Tavern at the End of the Universe Memorial Science Fiction and Fantasy Library, or drop a whole moving van of books off at Good Will? Since I'm a glutton for punishment, why don't you drop me a comment with something I should read soon? If I have it, or it looks good enough to add to the collection, I'll feature it on here too.

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