Sunday, May 18, 2014

Paper or Plastic, My Battle with eBooks

Many years ago (3, to be exact) I had a Sony Reader. I thought it would be cool, since I always have a book with me and sometimes that can get a bit ponderous, especially when I'm currently reading a book like Words of Radiance with over 1000 pages. Unfortunately, like a lot of people, I just couldn't make the switch. Carrying the Reader meant I still had something extra to keep in my pocket, and to be honest I liked the feel of books better. I like holding something with weight, turning the pages, and getting that paper and ink smell (it may not be new-car smell, but it's still good). Eventually, the only thing that ended up on my Reader was the list of books I own, which I keep in excel and sort by owned and not owned. That's not weird right?

Anyway, I thought I was done with e-book readers. I went back to paper books and have firmly held on to them for the last few years.  Fast forward to my first smartphone, which I got in December, and my story changed. I found myself reading a Star Trek book on my phone and I realized I've been doing that more often lately. Faced with a disorganized pile of 2000 books to go through to find the one I'm looking for, beaming a file to my phone suddenly has an upside. I still like carrying around a real book, but e-books are growing on me for their convenience. 

What do you guys prefer? Drop me a comment and let me know if you have a favorite program for your phone and where you buy e-books from. 

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